Andres Prieto aus Kolumbien
Manchmal scheint es so als habe der Kreis 8 magnetische Kräfte. Zumindest was die Anziehungskraft für interessante Personen aus aller Welt anbelangt. Die Expats im Quartier haben oft spannende Lebensläufe und Geschichten im Gepäck. Hier erzählen sie, warum sie im Seefeld heimisch geworden sind. Und sollten auch Sie aus der Ferne kommen und hier (mehr oder weniger lang)... [weiter]
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![«After a blind date with a Swiss man in Los Angeles, I ended up in Seefeld» «After a blind date with a Swiss man in Los Angeles, I ended up in Seefeld»]()
Met at the Lake Zurich: Ashly Jernigan
I am Ashly Jernigan. I am from the United States. I am a freelance illustrator. I am a mother. I am a feminist. And… I live in Seefeld. After almost 8 years here, I still have a hard time wrapping my head around how this became my home. After my first visit to Europe as a college student, I remember returning to my hometown, Sedona, AZ, and telling everyone, «That was fun, but I... [weiter]
![«If one day I meet a fairy godmother, I will ask her for a small, nice apartment in Seefeld.» «If one day I meet a fairy godmother, I will ask her for a small, nice apartment in Seefeld.»]()
Met at the Monocle Shop & Café: Julia Pala
My name is Julia. I was born in Warsaw and lived in Amsterdam before coming to Switzerland. I've been living idyllically in the countryside outside of Zurich for almost a year now and enjoy the train ride to Zurich every morning. The district 8 is a small, charming quarter that despite its manageable size has a lot to offer – the lake, many parks, little farm Wynegg with a fantastic view... [weiter]
![Expat Story: «Last year on April 2nd, just before our daughter’s 1st birthday, we opened DRAFT. and Kreis 8 officially became our full time home.» Expat Story: «Last year on April 2nd, just before our daughter’s 1st birthday, we opened DRAFT. and Kreis 8 officially became our full time home.»]()
Happy couple, Toby and Bara - thank you Tinder.
We are Bara and Toby. We met for the first time on April 26th 2019 and little could we imagine that our daughter Luna would be born exactly on that day two years later, during the second year of the pandemic. I am originally from Prague, Czech Republic, and Toby is from Kitzbühel, Austria, but we met here. I took a leap of faith to come work to Zurich after living in London, Berlin and... [weiter]
Zürich Kreis 8 Newsletter
Um informiert zu bleiben und regelmässige Updates zu erhalten, können Sie unseren Newsletter hier abonnieren - kostenlos und unverbindlich.
![From Recife via Amsterdam and New York to Zurich Seefeld From Recife via Amsterdam and New York to Zurich Seefeld]()
Expat Aline Melo, Interior Designer, Dkore
Hello, my name is Aline. I’m from Brazil, but my little story starts in Amsterdam. Having been born and raised in Recife, the so-called Brazilian Venice, I was excited to be visiting Europe for the first time. But that particular day – 14th of September in 2010 – it was cold and rainy. So after having strolled through the narrow alleys of Amsterdam all afternoon, I was drenched... [weiter]
![«I’ve created a wonderful new life in Seefeld and don’t see myself leaving anytime soon!» «I’ve created a wonderful new life in Seefeld and don’t see myself leaving anytime soon!»]()
Expat Nadia Riepenhausen, Senior Communications Lead, The Adecco Group
I’m originally from Zimbabwe and have lived in Switzerland for 13 years. I moved to Seefeld in 2021 in the midst of the pandemic, after spending many years living in Zug in the countryside. Covid changed my life dramatically - I changed jobs, got divorced and started a new life here in Seefeld. Living in Seefeld has been a game changer for me! I was so lucky to find my beautiful... [weiter]